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Explore research and project activities at The University of the West Indies.


Search results for.."Higher Education Research":

  1. Reflective practice 101: Why and how to incorporate reflective practice into your teaching and learning more..

    Natalie K.D. Seedan

    Contribution of > NEWSARTICLE


  2. DESIGN RESEARCH IN ACADEMIC PRACTICE Envisioning a Future Design Education in vulnerable emerging economies more..

    Noel, Lesley-Ann

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  3. A history of writing instruction for Jamaican university students: A case for moving beyond the rhetoric of transparent disciplinarity at the University of the West Indies, Mona more..


    Milson-Whyte, Vivette

    Contribution of > MISC


  4. Translation Studies and Critical Global Citizenship Pedagogy in Contemporary Anglophone Caribbean Higher Education more..


    Craig, Ian

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  5. Sustainable funding of higher education in challenging times: Papers presented at a professional development seminar organized by the West Indies Group of University Teachers (WIGUT), St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 4 March 2010. more..


    Renwick, Shamin and Lynda Quamina-Aiyejina, eds.

    Contribution of > CONFERENCE


  6. Sustainable funding of higher education in challenging times: Papers presented at a professional development seminar organized by the West Indies Group of University Teachers (WIGUT), St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 4 March 2011 more..


    Renwick, Shamin and Quamina-Aiyejina, Lynda

    Contribution of > MISC


  7. Sustainable Funding of Higher Education in Challenging Times: Papers Presented at a Professional Development Seminar Organized by the West Indies Group of University Teachers (WIGUT), St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, 4 March 2011 more..


    Renwick, Shamin and Quamina-Aiyejina, Lynda

    Contribution of > MISC


  8. Dental research: International research collaboration more..


    Santosh, ABR and Collins, J and Feliz, L and Abreu, N

    Contribution of > ARTICLE


  9. International regulation and global ethics in clinical research more..


    Campbell, M.H. & Nielsen, A.L.


    Contribution of > INBOOK


  10. Students’ experiences about PBL as they learn Developmental Mathematics at a Higher Education Institution in Trinidad and Tobago: A qualitative case study in American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Students’ Experiences of PBL in Macroeconomics at Higher Education: A case study in Trinidad and Tobago in American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Volume 6, Issue 1,8 September 2020 Students’ transition from face to face learning to online learning at higher education: A case study in Trinidad and Tobago in Educational Research and Reviews Volume 6, Issue 1, 31 August 2020 Reflective practice: A way of life, in Enabling Reflective Thinking Reflective Practices in Learning and Teaching, 30 June 2016 Listening: Trying to Understand the Adolescent, in The International Journal of Literacies, Volume 19, Issue 3, 2013 The Street Child’s view of education in Trinidad and Tobago: The social and academic merits, in The International Journal of Learning: Volume 17, Number 01, January Advocacy among street Children in Trinidad and Tobago: in The International Journal of Learning: Volume 16, 03 Number, January 2009 Street Children in Trinidad and Tobago: Understanding their lives and experiences, in Community Work and Family: Volume 11, Issue 4,20 November 2008 Street children: The importance of Peer Pressure, in The International Journal of Learning: Volume 15, 03 Number, 2008 Street children: Getting to know them, in Illinois Child Welfare: Volume 04 Number 01, 2008 more..


    Gabriel Julien Rhonda Dookwah

    Contribution of > ARTICLE
